Undercover Cops is a port of Irem's phenomenal arcade game of the same name that's somewhat scaled-back. Although there are far fewer enemies onscreen and it's single player only, it keeps all the content from the original, including enemies, stages, and attacks. It's one of the best looking and sounding games on the system.
A.D. 2043
Everyone, the peace of our town is at its worst condition ever. I have a suggestion for improving it. It is to have City Sweepers clean up the villains!
O.K., mayor. Let's do it!!
Due to memory limitations, some of the vocals in the music were removed for this version.
A US localization of this game was planned but cancelled. They even made box art for it.
Undercover Cops is a shockingly faithful port and easily one of the best looking and sounding games ever released for the SNES. It features huge movesets, plenty of enemy variety, master-level pixel art, and an intense hip hop soundtrack. My only complaint is that a lot of the later enemies are gimmicky.