Gourmet Sentai Bara Yarou is a weird futuristic two-player beat 'em up from the makers of Cho Aniki featuring their signature bizarre style. It features stages composed of giant mechanical feet as well as a robotic Moa head that's being controlled by a tiny little man who jumps on your head and does the Russian dance. Its gameplay is heavily inspired by Final Fight yet adds unique new techniques such as nailing the enemy into the ground. Additionally, you must cook meals from ingredients you acquired during each stage to refill your health.
The plot of this game is that super beings throughout the galaxy compete to obtain protein to feed their bulging muscles.
If you hold L or R and press A, you can do a fart attack that does no damage. Also, if you hold A you can dance around.
The title translates roughly to "Rose Rascals: Gourmet Squad."
Gourmet Sentai Bara Yarou is extremely weird yet solid. Its gameplay has plenty of unique mechanics and attacks, its style is insane, and its presentation is above average even for a late-generation SNES game. The cooking gameplay is interesting but necessitates memorization. It's really difficult mainly because there aren't exactly mid-stage health items.