The Combatribes is a port of Technos arcade brawler, which is the spiritual successor to Renegade. Although certain stage sections, items, and a few attacks are missing, this port captures the spirit of the original with intensely difficult street-fighting action. It has a colorful, exaggerated art style and a rockin' soundtrack.
The Combatribes have come to New York City, the center of all evil in the United States. They have heard a rumor about a mysterious organization "Ground Zero" who controls the street gangs of America.
Bullova: I wonder if the Ground Zero leader is here?
Blitz: I have no idea.
Berzerker: Let's go where the action is. That's where we can find the Ground Zero leader.
The story present in this game was completely absent from the original arcade version.
In the arcade version, most levels have usable weapons and extra areas not found in this port.
Combatribes is phenomenal. I originally snubbed it because it wasn't like Final Fight but that's its best quality. It has way bigger waves and far more advanced movesets than most brawlers on the system, not to mention an extreme level of challenge. Beating a clown's face against the pavement is priceless. The music is superb.