Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II - The Arcade Game is port of Konami's classic arcade brawler featuring your favorite green-skinned shell-heads. It has slightly reworked combat and stages. It's also known for its Pizza Hut endorsement, and the back of the manual has a coupon for a free pizza.
TMNT 1 on the NES was an action platformer rather than a brawler. It's generally panned for its intense difficulty and somewhat unfair challenge.
The title screen is different across all three releases. The European title screen has a purple "The Arcade Game" sign as well as being called "Hero Turtles" whereas the Japanese version has none at all.
This is the game that made excellent console-based co-op brawlers a reality. It's accessible yet challenging, has decent enemy variety, and has above-average graphics. Its music is fantastic. Unfortunately, the power attack makes the combat way too easy, but lesser players can abuse it while better ones force themselves to not use it.