Tough Turf is an early two-player arcade brawler developed by SunSoft and published by Sega. It's a straightforward Double Dragon rip-off with a punch/kick button setup, small groups of tough enemies, strangely proportioned characters, and a small selection of powerful weapons. However, it lacks DD's advanced techniques including throws.
This is the only brawler ever made by SunSoft.
Moreso than most other beat 'em ups, using weapons gives you a gigantic advantage, especially because they're plentiful and don't disappear when you drop them.
Tough Turf is an extremely average rip-off of Double Dragon from Sunsoft. Although it has far less attacks than Technos' classic, it also has far less lag. Its simple gameplay can be satisfying despite being somewhat easy and shallow. It brown-heavy graphics are fairly ugly but the music has some rockin' tunes with above-average compositions.