The Death and Return of Superman is a licensed single-player brawler SNES-exclusive brawler starring the Man of Steel. Its combat is similar to Final Fight but adds Super abilities such as flying and laser vision. You can also throw enemies into the background like in 64th Street. It's also notable because it was developed by none other than Blizzard.

Metropolis. Present Day. A peaceful summer evening when suddenly...

A complete power failure!

Deep inside the Metropolis power plant the Underworlders celebrate their takeover.

This isn't the only SNES game by Blizzard. There's also The Lost Vikings and The Lost Vikings 2, both of which are phenomenal puzzle platformers that are way better than anything Blizzard has done in the last five years. Let's all pretend Diablo 3 never happened.

This game is based off a Superman comic arc of the same name (duh.)

Death and Return of Superman is good but not great. It's basically the SNES version of Final Fight (single player and all) with some extra Superman attacks. You fight tiny waves of enemies so the challenge is always lukewarm. At least the sprites are huge and fairly detailed. Also, the different versions of Superman is a nice touch.