Super Chinese 3 is the third game in Culture Brain's offbeat brawler series. Like its predecessor, known as Little Ninja Brothers in the US, it's a hybrid RPG/brawler where you travel around an open world, buying items, solving quests, and talking to people. When you enter combat, the game becomes a brawler. This game never made it out of Japan.
This game is obviously part of Culture Brain's Super Chinese series, which spans over 12 games across 3 systems and covers genres from brawlers to RPG's to fighting games.
Although this game was never localized, Super Chinese World (basically Super Chinese 4) was released in the US as Super Ninja Boy. However, it's much worse than this game.
Super Chinese 3 is a great follow-up to Little Ninja Bros. that doesn't change much but improves the graphics and sound. It would be nice if it made the combat a little deeper, but keeping it simple was likely a conscious design decision. Unfortunately it's inaccessible to Westerners due to the language barrier.