Sengoku is a supernatural brawler featuring a Ninja and Cowboy who fight Japanese demons by jumping between the human and spirit realms. It has simple combat that focuses on weapon upgrades and alternate forms such as a ninja dog and samurai.
400 years ago, there was a warlord who loved destruction. 2 Samurai decided to go against him. They defeated him. The warlord left a prophecy before he died...
"I shall return in 400 years! The madman and I will work together to rule the world!" 400 years later, the prophecy came true.
Sengoku is available on SNK Arcade Classics Vol. 1 for PS2 and PSP.
Sengoku was ported to the Super Famicom, although there are several changes in that port.
The Sengoku Period took place in Japan from 1467 - 1603. It was also known as the Warring States period.
Sengoku gives other brawlers a bad name. It's a button masher with barely any nuance or depth. The transformation mechanic is a great idea but it doesn't fix the brain-dead core combat. On the bright side, the presentation is way above average, so very casual and patient players might get a kick out of it.