The Punisher is a late-generation brawler from Capcom that's a licensed adaptation of the Marvel Comics series. It features tons of weapons, automatic gun sequences, and unapologetic violence.
New York, a jungle of steel and concrete. Where predators of all kinds mercilessly prey on all. Anytime, anywhere.
Central Park, an oasis of green offering respite from the grey.
Here U.S. Marine captain Frank Castle enjoys a picnic with his family.
On that day, the Castle family accidentally discovered a brutal mob killing. Fearing any witnesses, the killers gunned down the hapless family.
On that day Frank Castle's family died.
On that day Frank Castle died.
On that day I was born.
To avenge them and all others like them.
I am, the Punisher!
If you're guilty, you're dead.
The enemy Pretty Boy is based off the Marvel supervillain of the same name. In the comics, it's just one dude rather than an army of cyborgs.
The Punisher was also ported to Sega Genesis, although it's missing some features.
The Punisher is probably the most average late-generation Capcom beat 'em up. It's basically Cadillacs and Dinosaurs but a little worse in every category. Unfortunately, it's really easy as well. Compared to other Capcom games, The Punisher is mediocre. But compared to the genre as a whole, it's a high quality title especially for co-op.